Electronic Communications

Communication hold a prolific place in beholding trust between two valued parties. At SRF, a customer visiting our website or writing to us through emails, is deemed to be communicating with us electronically. Further, all communications from our end will be made via emails, disclaimers, or other forms of communication on our website. Through such communications, you agree that all communication made by SRF to you electronically are provided in writing.


All material and data available on our website and in our research reports, including text, graphics, images, statistics, audio clips, video material, insights, analysis, and others, are solely property of SRF and are protected by international copyright laws. Content in any form on SRF’s website and research reports are also an exclusive property of the company and are protected by international copyright laws. Further, all software and technological/ technical tools used by the company on its website and within are sole property of SRF. They are also protected by international copyright laws. By communicating with us or by indulging in business transactions with us, you agree to not share in parts or in full any form of content, tool, software, data, graphics, images, audio, video, or other SRF property with any other third party. In case you wish to do so, it is mandatory to seek written permission from SRF. The company reserves the right to initiate action, in its own powers, or legally, in case discrepancies are found from the customer.

Accuracy and Credibility

Information provided by SRF are based on extensive research and our analysts use proven and tested methods to provide data. On the other hand, content on the website is the result of logical and prudent research. However, to err is human. SRF does not warrant that all content published on the website in any form, and the research report provided is free of errors. We, of course, strive to provide the best quality information, and will always continue to do so.



SRF allows customization in market reports tailored to your requirements. However, the time taken for this customization will be determined by our analysts based on anticipated complexity, time deadlines, and peculiarities of the customization requested.

Third Party Content

Besides its own content and tools, SRF also uses content and information from third party websites. In some cases, you may also find links to them. SRF, however, does not hold responsibility for the quality, form, or any other aspect related to the content on the third party website. We also, do not account for any loss or damage incurred to the consumer electronically, physically, monetarily, or in any other form, due to the third party website or content.


Loss incurred by the customer at the personal or professional front in any form is his/her/their responsibility. Neither SRF nor any of its associates are responsible in any form whatsoever for the loss incurred and will not be bound by any legal liabilities. Also, the customer agree to hold SRF accountable for any such loss incurred at any point in their personal or professional fronts.

Law of the Land

By entering into a business agreement with us, you agree to be accountable and abide by the law and regulations laid down by the Government of India and Government of Maharashtra. Failing to abide by them may invite action according to the law of the land.